MASFi Financial Blockchain Conference – 108 Ecosystem Development
A Feast of Finance and Technology
AI * Biotech * Medical Tech * Robotics * Web3 * Fintech * Space Tech * Metaverse

MASFi 金融公链大会 —— 108生态展望,一场金融与科技盛宴

Guest Speakers (Confirmed List)
Aaron Tsai
Song Shipeng
Wu Xiangyi
Richard Wang
Ice Chan
蔡逸群 – 名资创始人、华尔街壳王
宋世鹏 – 元创医疗董事长、中国伽玛刀之父
主题:Web3 的一级市场投资机会
Guest Speakers (Confirmed list)
Aaron Tsai – Founder of MAS Capital,known as “King of Shells” on Wall StreetTopic: Finance and Technology in the Age of AI

Shipeng Song – Co-Founder & Chief Scientist of Metron Metabolic Medical
known as “Father of Gamma Ray Knife in China”.
Topic:Non-invasive obesity treatment and technology
• 300 Patents + 3 Public companies (NYSE:CCM, A Share:600568, HKEx:06078) 70% of Chinese market share
• 1st from China to obtain US FDA approval
• Harvard MGH Gordon Medical Center
• Huazhong University of Science & Technology
• Shanghai University of Science & Technology
• Suzhou University – Director of the Institute of Radiological Medical Equipment
Xiangyi Wu – Chairwoman of Zhong He Enterprise Development (Guangdong) Group Co., Ltd.
Topic: Go public in US, HK and Financing

Richard Wang – Partner of Draper Dragon
Topic:Investment Opportunities in Web3
曾三次创业,从工程师转型为投资人,专注于人工智能以及金融科技等领域的投资;在加入德鼎创新基金前,王岳华曾服务于群众电子商务有限公司担任首席执行官职务,创办硅谷科技公司Olea Network研发设计基于雷达技术的无线心电图。投资案例有易宝支付、深迪科技、微纳科技、寰擎科技,Hcash, Vechain, Redpulse , Primas, Kronos, Fusion, IOTex, QuarkChain, XREX, NUWA, HumanProtocol, AIG, AiDTech, Concordium, Dmail, Ink Financial, Waterfall Network, Ballet Wallet, Fog Works, Abelian, RACA, Autobeam and Splashtop等, 2011加入德鼎创新专注投资芯片,人工智能,科技服务,元宇宙,以及Web3行业赛道。
Muhammad Nawaz Khan Jadoon
He is one of the most trusted Financial Advisor. He is recognized among UAE Government as an individual who delivers the vision.
Over the period of 39 years, Muhammad Nawaz Khan Jadoon cultivated a vast knowledge of Financial Markets that leads him towards developing a strong and professional relationship with the Local and International Financial Industry. The
top-notch companies across the globe, intended to implement their projects in UAE has reached out for Muhammad Nawaz Khan Jadoon for his proficiency to attain the delivery of their projects with attribute and quality.

Ice Chan – MASFi Financial Blockchain
Topic: Advantages of MASFi Financial Blockchain
Daphne Shao -Managing Director Global Capital Markets VICTORY SECURITIES
Worked in several Chinese and foreign investment banks in Hong Kong, such as Morgan Stanley Huaxin Funds, Keywise Capital Management, Shenwan Hongyuan (Hong Kong), Central China International, etc. Daphne has many years of experience in the stock capital market and has participated in IPO, stock placement, and corporate financing projects. Daphne is experienced in different types of corporate financing business in various industries and experience in setting up trusts for the employee incentive program.
Daphne is familiar with the operation of the Hong Kong capital market, including market promotion, non-transaction roadshow, management roadshow, underwriting group coordination, bookkeeping management, and stock allocation. Daphne has participated in IPO projects of Xiaomi Group (01810.HK), Haidilao (06862.HK), Shandong International (01697.HK) and SinoMab BioScience (03681.HK), HK China Bright Culture (01859.HK), Tu Yi Holding(01701.HK) with a scale of hundreds of millions of projects issued.
Daphne holds a master′s degree in International Financial Analysis from Newcastle University, UK. She is director of Hong Kong LPF Association and fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Economists.
邵丹—胜利证券 董事总经理
曾在摩根士丹利华鑫基金、凯思博资本、申万宏源香港、中州国际等香港多间中资和外资投行工作,有多年的股票资本市场经验,曾参与包括IPO、股票配售、企业融资发债在内的数十个项目,对不同行业公司不同类型股权融资业务经验丰富,亦有设立员工激励计划信托相关经验。熟悉香港资本市场运作,包括市场预热、非交易路演、管理层路演、承销团协调、簿记管理和股票分配等各个发行环节。曾参与小米集团(01810.HK)、海底捞(06862.HK)、山东国信(01697.HK)和中国抗体(03681.HK)、 煜盛文化(01859.HK)、途屹控股(01701.HK)多个专案上亿规模的IPO专案发行。持有英国纽卡斯尔大学的国际金融分析硕士学位,现为香港有限合伙基金协会理事及香港经济师学会资深会员